Off the Cuff ABQ’s Talk Radio Newsletter
Off The Cuff ABQ - Not For The Easily Offended.
03.01.22 The Hijacked Vol 2 Clarence Washington Sr

03.01.22 The Hijacked Vol 2 Clarence Washington Sr

Hijacked! How Dr. King’s Dream Became a Nightmare by Clarence Washington Sr. 4-part series can be purchased here.


BUY Hijacked! Vol. 1-4

The reality is of course that many in the church are both intentionally and unintentionally supporting the hijack, thinking that Dr. King’s dream can be achieved by means other than what he delineated. Many in the church are deceived and sincerely believe that they are following or at least supporting ideas, ideologies, and methods that will eventually make Dr. King’s dream a reality in America.

So the author wrote Hijacked! volume 2, The Hijack, to expose the fact that the means are the end in the process of becoming a reality. In other words, godless or evil means will never result in a good or godly end. This is accomplished by the author in Hijacked! volume 2 by analyzing the various methods by which Dr. King’s dream is being hijacked and demonstrating the fruitless, negative results that such methods are, by their nature, destined to impart to individual Americans and the nation as a whole.

Hijacked! volume 2 clearly reveals that the environment you create determines the product you produce. Hijacked! volume 2, The Hijack, uncovers the hidden agendas of the disciples of Saul Alinsky’s rules for radicals, the disciples of James Cone’s Black liberation theology, and the hidden agendas of other leftists and progressive elitists in America.

The author reveals how their philosophically, biblically, and historically errant ideologies have pervaded the minds of desperate people of meager means, the softminded, and the easily deceived in our nation with belief systems that have enslaved instead of freeing them. For the full dissection of Dr. King’s dream and how our failure to adhere to its principles has led to a nightmare, explore the other volumes in Hijacked!: How Dr. King’s Dream Became a Nightmare.

Other volumes in this series focus on the dream, the nightmare, and how we can recover. Progressive leftists and socialists/Marxists with deep pockets and unimaginable influence are plotting the engagement of Americans against one another in an effort to destroy the American way of life from within. One should note that the issues surrounding the hijack and the nightmare it produced are sometimes complicated, convoluted, and purposely concealed.

So a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of the dream, the hijack, the nightmare, and the recovery process required to make Dr. King’s dream a reality is absolutely necessary. In order to understand, for example, the racially woke church of wokeism and its religious doctrines of critical race theory and the cancel culture, one must understand how wokies are hijacking Dr. King’s dream. One must understand as explored by the author that the solution for our polarized nation seems to be that both the citizens and the political leaders of America must stop considering everyone who thinks like them as being angels and everyone who does not think like them as being devils.

We must stop polarizing our thinking. Abandon the conviction, as Alinsky stated it, “that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other.” The author states with research support contributed by several most knowledgeable sources that if the real truth about liberals and conservatives—Democrats and Republicans were known, the parties involved would stop embracing the dire polarization that is crushing America into pieces.

In summarizing the solution to the polarization that is tearing America apart, the author states that the truth is that both liberal-thinking people and conservative-thinking people are needed to make and maintain America as a great nation. This in turn works toward making both Dr. King’s dream and the American dream a reality for all of its citizens. However, he also makes it very clear in the second volume of the collection, The Hijacked!, that he is not including in the discussion at hand the extreme left as being liberals or the extreme right as being conservatives. For both of these extremes want to destroy the American way of living, to start all over again, and to force people to think like them. You see, they are indeed the real devils, if you will

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